Material Issues of the WILL GROUP

We will address job mismatches, bridging the gap in skills between our customers’ requirements and our staff’s abilities, all aligned with the policy outlined in our Medium-Term Management Plan: Maximizing and Optimizing Career Paths to Transform Workers into Experts. For these reasons, we will prioritize improving human capital, a commitment we have held since our founding. We will also respond to the social demand for combatting climate change as we establish a robust governance system. We anticipate that these initiatives will improve the well-being of our Group’s employees, ultimately contributing to the growth of our corporate value.

Material Issues Ideal State
Improvements in well-being
  • Ensure the well-being of everyone who works for the WILL GROUP
Indicators Results FY2024 Target
Well-being score 66.4pt No specific targets are set, as well-being is seen as the cumulative outcome of all activities and is expected to increase as a result of various means.
Workplace well-being score
Work experience 53.0%
Work evaluation 61.0%
Self-determination at work 57.4%
Material Issues Ideal State
Resolving job mismatches
(Related SDGs)
  • Be able to provide tailored growth programs for each employee and support their acquisition of specialized skills
  • Maximize and optimize employees’ career paths to achieve the highest possible lifetime value (LTV)
Indicators Results FY2024 Target
Number of permanent employees on assignment for non-fixed term staffing service 4,946 More than double in FY2023
Number of career advancements from fixed-term to permanent positions 190 500 per year
Growth support score
Assignment for permanent employees on assignment for non-fixed term staffing service 52.4% Increase every year
Temporary workers 53.4%
Average duration of employment 856 days Increase every year
Material Issues Ideal State
Strengthening disaster resilience
(Related SDGs)
  • Establish an operational system for developing and continually reviewing ways to minimize damage from climate change, while enabling fast business recovery
Indicators Results FY2024 Target
Formulation of BCP - Formulation of BCP
GHG emissions 1,482.2t-CO2 Reduce by 20% compared to FY2020
Workplace safety preparedness score 86.7% To be determined
Material Issues Ideal State
Improved human capital
(Related SDGs)
  • Provide an environment where diverse talents are respected regardless of gender, nationality, disability, or age and offer equal opportunities, enabling every person to reach their full potential
  • Embody our core values by passing down and transforming corporate culture (DNA)
  • Ensure that every employee has a strong sense of ownership of the company, their team, and their work, leading to high levels of employee engagement
Indicators Results FY2024 Target
Job satisfaction score 57.0% 60% or more
Growth satisfaction score 63.8% 60% or more
Percentage of female managers 30.0% Have as approximately equal to the percentage of permanent female employees (42.1% in FY2023)
Percentage of mid-career managers 69.0% Have as approximately equal to the percentage of permanent mid-career employees (73.3% in FY2023)
Percentage of non-Japanese managers 40.2% Have as approximately equal to the percentage of permanent non-Japanese employees (24.2% in FY2023)
Employment rate of people with disabilities 2.6% Equal to or above the statutory employment rate
Percentage of women seeking promotions (Manager and above) 24.7% 36.0%
Wage gap between male and female employees 74.6% 76.6%
Happiness in the workplace
A culture of safety and peace of mind 71.1% More than the same month last year
A workplace atmosphere built on mutual trust 72.2%
An atmosphere that encourages challenges 73.4%
Workplace recommendation rate 61.6%
Material Issues Ideal State
Building a strong governance structure
(Related SDGs)
  • Ensure effective oversight and supervision for swift decision-making and business execution, promoting transparency and integrity in management
Indicators Results FY2024 Target
Enhancing the effectiveness of the Board of Directors - Regularly implement effective evaluations
Percentage of outside directors 60.0% 30% or more
Percentage of female directors 20.0% 30% or more
Separation of management and oversight - Strengthen the supervisory capabilities of the Board of Directors
Number of serious information leaks 0 0
Number of harassment cases leading to disciplinary dismissal 0 0
Number of cases of misconduct (bribery, corruption, fraud, accounting fraud) 0 0
Number of serious workplace accidents 1 0

Process for identifying and reviewing material issues

The Group identified material issues by interviewing stakeholders, mapping the value chain, and examining social values and the ideal state of the Company, according to international guidelines such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, the United Nations Global Compact and SDGs. Then, we reviewed the material issues based on deliberations at the Sustainability Committee and advice from external experts.
We will continue our discussions to meet the challenges and expectations of society as the external environment changes.