Business Segments
- Mechanism of Value Creation
- Business Segments
Domestic Working Business
In Japan, we provide human resources services specialized by category, including sales, call centers, manufacturing, nursing and construction engineering.

Hideo Murakami
President and Representative Director
Enabling Personal and Organizational Transformation as a Chance-Making Company
As the core of our domestic working business, WILLOF has developed a brand vision centered around being a “Chance-Making Company.” More than being just a staffing agency, WILLOF creates new value by unlocking the potential of individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. With a deep belief in the potential of all people, we are committed to expanding work opportunities and the diverse ways in which work is carried out, while supporting the growth of individuals worldwide. Driven by this strong commitment, we tackle our daily tasks with determination.
When WILLOF carries out services such as temporary staffing, permanent placement , outsourcing and foreign talent management, people are always at the heart of our activities. Regardless of the era, pessimism is a result of one's mood and optimism reflects one's will. Through the power of positive determination, all people have the potential for remarkable transformation. Having witnessed such incredible moments time and time again, we hold a deep belief in human potential and are committed to harnessing that power.
Tackling the Challenges of the Japanese Labor Market Through a Combination of Human Labor and Technology
The Japanese labor market is facing many challenges at the current time. These include a declining labor force caused by a low birthrate and aging population, skills mismatch in the age of digitization, the problems of long working hours and poor work-life balance, and rising demand for diverse working styles. These factors will bear a tremendous impact on Japan's economic growth and social sustainability. Our strengths are our unique knowhow cultivated through many years in the human resources business, our extensive database, our preeminent recruitment capabilities, our network of offices throughout Japan, our robust partnerships backed by numerous successful collaborations, and most of all, our employees who embody our role as a Chance-Making Company. By leveraging these strengths to their fullest, we will turn the challenges faced by the Japanese labor market into new opportunities.
We will also strive to create new business and enhance existing business through a combination of human labor and technology. There is certainly value in human involvement, so we have no intention of wholly depending on AI and other technology. By integrating the value provided by both forms of labor, we believe we can achieve greater efficiency and deliver higher levels of added value. For example, the basic flow of the human resources business involves registration, interviewing, work explanations and matching, with human labor undertaking responsibility for this entire cycle. If we utilize technology such as AI and data analysis here, the efficiency of admin work and basic matching tasks can be enhanced. By allocating the time saved as a result toward conversations and career counseling, we can discover job seekers' hidden potential and the aptitude they have not even realized themselves, and then propose new career paths and create added value by connecting them with work that leads to self-realization.
Looking ahead, we will leverage WILLOF's unique strengths and technology to provide effective solutions to the challenges facing the Japanese labor market.
Working to Realize a Sustainable Society
While firmly looking ahead to 2030, and even beyond that to 2040, our aim is to be recognized as a Chance-Making Company by all people. Even if we provide services in different ways to different types of customers, we will still offer the same essential value, while striving to become a company that brings joy to many people throughout the world. In places of work and learning, across all kinds of situations in which people live and play, we will continue to create opportunities for discovering, nurturing and demonstrating the capabilities that they have not even realized about themselves. We will provide people, corporations and the world itself with the opportunity to transform. That is our mission.
By earnestly addressing the challenges faced by the Japanese labor market and continuously providing effective solutions, we will contribute to the sustainable development of all of society. Through this undertaking, we will also achieve our company’s growth and evolve into an organization capable of creating even more opportunities, thereby realizing both societal value and economic value at the same time.
By believing in and maximizing the potential of each person, we will continue to bring new value to society. This, more than anything, is the true definition of a Chance-Making Company. Together with us, let's build a better future. From here forward as well, WILLOF will trust in the possibilities possessed by people and society, and continue to generate one new chance after another. We will strive with all our might to create a society where all people can truly shine in their own unique ways.
Management Team for Domestic Working Business
Hideo Murakami
President and Representative Director -
Hiroshi Tanaka
President and Representative Director -
Sadayuki Dohi
President and Representative Director -
Tatsuya Okumura
CreativeBank Inc.
President and Representative Director -
Daisuke Wakaizumi
CEspace, Inc.
President and Representative Director
Overseas Working Business
Primarily in Singapore and Australia, we carry out human resources services across wide-ranging areas spanning government and local municipalities, industry, finance and information communications.

Matthew Raymond Beath
WILL GROUP Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Despite the Australian Market's Economic Downturn, There are Chances for Business Growth
Roughly six years have passed since I became the CEO of WILL GROUP Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. (hereafter, WAP). WAP encompasses nine brands and provides HR services to various sectors. From the time I was appointed up until the current date, my role has changed little by little. In the initial stage, the M&A process had not fully finished, so I was mainly responsible for ensuring its proper completion. Currently, while creating a sense of unity at WAP and retaining the best aspects of each brand, I also carry out a support role for the purpose of achieving our mission and vision.
The business regions served by WAP can be broadly divided into Australia and other countries. We conduct a large portion of our activities in Australia and operate four brands there. However, the Australian market presents a number of challenges. First of all, the economic situation is not very good. Permanent placement is a business that experiences high volatility and is easily influenced by both positive and negative economic conditions. Secondly, there are high costs for operating businesses in Australia. For example, consultants in Sydney earn approximately 12 million yen a year, while wages in Singapore reach 7 to 8 million. As such fixed expenses cannot be reduced even during a downturn, this lowers productivity. Thirdly, there are challenging regulations. Australia is currently ruled by a Labor Party administration, which has been adopting pro-labor policies. Although it is of course vital to protect the rights of workers, these regulations have made it more difficult to launch new businesses.
On the other hand, there are also new opportunities to be found. Within the well-developed Australian market, we believe that there are possibilities for expansion into growth sectors in which the government is actively investing, including engineering, infrastructure and healthcare. WAP is looking to achieve business expansion by making inroads into new, undeveloped sectors. In this way, we will launch new ventures organically, while also considering expansion by means of M&A. Furthermore, the government sector represents an area of strength for WAP, and although we have already penetrated that market, we believe there is still room for expansion.
Based on our experience up to this time, it appears the Australian market is not as quickly affected by both positive and negative influences as compared to the Asian market. Recently, we have begun to see signs of recovery in the Asian market, which makes us think the Australian market will also gradually come back to life. It can also be hard to classify Australia as a single market due to the different economic conditions observed in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. Even in a downturn, some growth sectors do exist. We must take into account the circumstances evident in each particular area.
A Vastly Experienced Leadership Team Capable of Responding Flexibly to Market Changes
The major reasons for the WILL GROUP's overseas business growth to date include the successful progress of our M&A strategy, our ability to capture demand during the market rebound following the coronavirus pandemic, and the retention of the leadership team essential for the operation of each business.
Our leadership team features many members with a wealth of experience in business management within the HR services industry. They are highly capable of responding flexibly to positive and negative economic conditions and market cycles. They also form relationships that can enrich and deepen each other's understanding.
In principal, WAP entrusts business management to the same leadership team even after an M&A, ensuring stable business performance. Our leadership team takes pride in our company’s brands, which is why WAP plays a key role in supporting brand growth and ensuring that no major changes are made to the brands following an M&A.
To achieve business growth, we are not only maintaining existing business management structure, but also designing remuneration packages that offer fair and satisfactory pay, while fostering strong relationships between the leadership and management teams. As CEO, I firmly believe that sincerity is essential, and I continuously emphasize to the leadership team the importance of maintaining a long-term growth perspective.
WAP boasts a well-balanced business portfolio and strengths in each sector, as well as the ability to achieve organic growth in each sector. Even if one sector is underperforming, we can offset that with the performance of another sector. Additionally, by pursuing M&A, we have the potential to drive even greater growth. Thanks to the direction and guidance of our exceptional leadership team, you can expect considerable future growth at WAP.
Management Team for Overseas Working Business
Cecilia Sim
Ben Davies
Richard Bradshaw
Andrew Keayes
Philip Divilly
Craig Sneesby
Kate Coath
Damien Lim