Medium-Term Management Plan

Medium-term Management Plan (WILL-being 2026)

Basic Policies

In order to realize sustainable growth of the Group, it is important to achieve the renewed growth of the stagnant Domestic Working Business. Therefore, this Medium-term Plan sets forth the renewed growth of Domestic Working Business as its basic policy with aggressive upfront investments for the renewed growth and a change in the Company’s profit structure during its term, thereby establishing a foundation that will realize the dramatic growth in the future.

Notice Concerning Revisions to the Medium-Term Management Plan (WILL-being 2026) pdf (PDF: 242KB)

Medium-term Management Plan(WILL-being 2026) pdf (PDF: 1,942KB)

Renewed growth in Domestic W

(Billions of yen)

Results FY2023 Results FY2024 Targets FY2026
Targets Revenue *1 143.9 138.2
Operating profit *1
(Operating margin *1)
KPI Number of permanent employee staffing hires/year
(construction management engineer domain)
1,022 1,424 1,500
Permanent employee staffing retention rate
(construction management engineer domain)
71.3% 71.2% 71.5%
Number of workers on assignment for permanent employee staffing
(Domestic Working Business [excluding the construction management engineer domain]) *2
2,791 3,254 3,500
Number of foreigners supported through the Foreign Talent Management Services
(Domestic Working Business)
1,750 2,341 3,500
Permanent placement revenue composition
(Overseas Working Business) *1
13.5% 11.6%
*1: For the targets after the revision that are indicated with “–,” the actual results will be disclosed every quarter.
*2: Number of workers on assignment for permanent employee staffing (Domestic Working Business [excluding the construction management engineer domain]) includes the sales outsourcing domain, factory outsourcing domain, IT engineer domain, call center outsourcing domain and nursing care domain.

Key strategies

The following four strategies (Strategies I through III are for the Domestic Working Business, and Strategy IV is for the Overseas Working Business) are the key strategies for achieving the management targets of this Medium-term Plan.

StrategyⅠ Realizing further growth and monetization in the construction management engineer domain
In the construction management engineer domain, we will double the annual number of new recruitments during the period of this Medium-term Plan, to turn to profitability in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, and to make it one of our business pillars in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026.
StrategyⅡ Renewed growth in Domestic Working Business (excluding the construction management engineer domain)
We will work to expand the business of contracted management of foreign workers and regular employee staffing. In order to expand the business of contracted management of foreign workers, we will strengthen the acquisition of new orders by increasing the number of sales staff and, for local recruitment, strengthen alliances with local corporations, schools and other organizations. For the expansion of regular employee staffing business, we will apply the recruiting know-how obtained in the construction management engineer and sales outsourcing domains to the factory outsourcing domain. Going forward, as we expect more adverse hiring environment, we will hold brand promotion activities to strengthen our own brand.
StrategyⅢ Stable growth in Overseas Working Business
Although the temporary post-COVID-19 personnel demand has been moderated in both Singapore and Australia, the demand for human resources is expected to remain strong as the number of job openings remains high in both countries. While engaging in such activities as increasing the number of consultants, we will work to expand the revenue from permanent placement services. At the same time, in order to reduce downside risks and improve business stability, we will increase temporary staffing revenues in domains with more stability such as government agencies, reduce costs, and strengthen governance.